Online Games

CPA Counting

Focus: Counting, CPA

Age Range: 2 - 6

Description: An interactive counting game that allows learners to see the concrete, pictorial and abstract representations of the values they count.

Subitising Stars

Focus: Subitising

Age Range: 2 - 6

Description: Help train subitising skills in this quick-paced mini game that has you select the correct number of stars that appear.

Place Value Rocket

Focus: Place Value

Age Range: 6 - 12

Description: Get your understanding of place value off the ground, in this engaging puzzle that has you choose which columns to drop values in.

Inflated Inequalities

Focus:Comparison, Inequalities

Age Range: 6 - 12

Description: A puzzle that has learners think carefully about inflating balloons with the right values to get the desired inequality.